February 3, 2013

Difference in Love and Marriage

A student asks a teacher, “What is love?”

The teacher said, “in order to answer your question, go to the wheat field and choose the biggest wheat and come back.

But the rule is: you can go through them only once and cannot turn back to pick.”

The student went to the field,  went  through first row, he saw one big wheat, but he wonders… may be there is a bigger one later.

Then he saw another bigger one… But may be there is an even bigger one waiting for him.

Later, when he finished more than half of the wheat field, he started to realize that the wheat is not as big as the previous one he saw, he knew he has missed the biggest one, and he regretted.

So, he ended up and went back to the teacher with empty hand.

The teacher told him, “this is love… You keep looking for a better one, but when later you realize, you have already missed the person…”

“What is marriage then?” the student asked.

The teacher said, “in order to answer your question, go to the corn field and choose the biggest corn and come back. But the rule is: you can go through them only once and cannot turn back to pick.”

The student went to the corn field, this time he was careful not to repeat the previous mistake, when he reached the middle of the field, he picked up one medium corn that he felt satisfied and came back to the teacher.

The teacher told him, “This time you brought back a corn. You looked for one that is just nice, and you have faith and believe this is the best one you can get… This is marriage.

February 2, 2013

Where to get Happiness?

There is an Eastern tale of a wealthy king who ruled a vast domain, lived in a magnificent palace and had a luxurious court. In spite of all his authority and power, & in spite of his extensive possessions, he was very unhappy.

Among the servants in his court there was a renowned sage whose counsel the king frequently asked in times of difficulty and crisis. This sage was summoned to the king’s presence. The monarch asked him how to get rid of his anxiety and depression of spirits, how he might be really happy, for he was sick in body and mind.

The sage replied, “There is but one cure for the king. Your Majesty must sleep one night in the shirt of a happy man.”

Messengers were dispatched throughout the realm to search for a man who was truly happy. But everyone who was approached had some cause for misery, something that robbed them of true and complete happiness.

At last they found a man, a poor beggar, who sat smiling by the roadside and when they asked him if he were really happy and had no sorrows, he confessed that he was a truly happy man.

Then they told him what they wanted. The king must sleep one night in the shirt of a happy man and had given them a large sum of money to procure such a shirt. Would he sell them his shirt that the king might wear it?

The beggar burst into uncontrollable laughter and replied, “I am sorry I cannot oblige the king. I haven’t a shirt on my back.”

There are two ways of being rich. One is to have all you want and the other is to be satisfied with what you have. It’s impossible for any of us to go through life without either increasing or diminishing somebody’s happiness. A small house will hold as much happiness as a big house and that is because there are two things that contribute to happiness: What we can do without and what we can do with.

If we cannot find happiness along the way, we will not find it at the end of the road. Happiness is not something we have in our hands; it is something we carry in our heart.

Hence the prescriptions to happiness by Jesus in his eight be attitudes, a blue print for living which turned down the prescriptions for happiness of this world. It is a road map for anyone who seeks to attain this happiness of the Kingdom.

The eight be attitudes do not describe eight different people such that we need to ask which of the eight suits us personally. They are eight different snapshots taken from different angles of the same godly person. Follow and be Blessed and Happy. The state of blessedness is what Jesus calls being in the "Kingdom of God/Heaven".

February 1, 2013

The Power of Perseverance!

A man woke up early in order to have his morning Prayers. He got dressed, set on his way to the Church. On his way to the Church, the man fell and his clothes got dirty. He got up, brushed himself up, and headed home. At home, he changed his clothes, and was, again, on his way to the Church.

On his way to the Church, he fell again and at the same spot! He, again, got up, brushed himself off and headed home. At home he, once again, changed his clothes and was on his way to the Church.

On his way to the Church, he met a man holding a lamp. He asked the man of his identity and the man replied ‘I saw you fall twice on your way to the Church, so I brought a lamp so I can light your way.

The first man thanked him profusely and the two went on their way to the Church. Once at the CHURCH, the first man asked the man with the lamp to come in and offer Prayers with him.

The second man refused.

The first man asked him a couple more times and, again, the answer was the same. The first man asked him why he did not wish to come in and pray.

The man replied, ‘I am Satan’. The man was shocked at this reply.

Satan went on to explain, ‘I saw you on your way to the CHURCH and it was I who made you fall. When you went home, cleaned yourself and went back on your way to the CHURCH, Jesus forgave all of your sins.

I made you fall a second time, and even that did not encourage you to stay home, but rather, you went back on your way to CHURCH. Because of that, Jesus forgave all the sins of the people of your household.

I was afraid if I made you fall one more time, then Jesus will forgive the sins of the whole nation (world) so I made sure that you reached the CHURCH safely.’

Do not put off the good you intended to do as you never know how much reward you might receive from the hardships you encounter while trying to achieve that good. For your righteousness can save your family and nation at large.

Do this and see the victory of the Jesus.